Friday, July 1, 2011

The Man behind The Food (Part II)


I was out of work and I was going back to school and I was just getting my life back on track. I wanted to do something that I love and I could do along side my academics. Some of you may know, I support myself through most of my finances so it was something that I both need and want to do.

So I asked myself three things:
  • What do I love to do that is light for me to do along side my academics?
  • What can easily click to people?
  • How will I start?

And the answers were just there. I can start cooking for people because that is what I do when I am trying to release all the stress from studies, work, or business. So why not make your stress reliever your business? It clicked with my friends, relatives, and some people from work. I would guess it would click with most other people. I thought I can start it from my savings, one order at a time. But it needed a kickstart…

I was reviewing it with my mom. My mom is Lorraine Timbol, former Editor-in-Chief for Appetite Magazine. She helped me start it off. We started standardizing my recipe for my spaghetti. I started thinking of the name. She thought I could pull it off since I already have a customer base of friends, relatives, and other guests at home who I have been serving for a couple of years every time I was stressed. But there was still no kickstart…

In the middle of planning, I was talking to a mom of my friend and telling her all about it. I was telling her all about my pasta, my cooking, how I am supporting myself, and how I am planning to start this business and she just tells me, “Can you deliver this weekend?” From that question alone, what was supposed to be a month or so long of planning became a less than a week cram. Heart, Meat, & Soul Foods was started on May 1, 2011. The name was finalized. The logo was created. The recipe for my spaghetti was standardized. And, everything was just done.

The funny thing was… that week and until now, my friend’s mom still has not ordered. But that is okay.

Anyways, from that journey on, I took the leap from cooking good for 10 people to a 100 people, from cooking pasta to roasting chicken, from thinking of survival to actually enjoying life, and it has been one of the greatest feelings I have had in my entire life. I have had several orders since then and hopefully more to come. I have had the pleasure of actually trying to sell or advertise something that is close to my heart and something that really comes out from my own doing.

Heart, Meat, & Soul Foods is not just a name. It is an embodiment of my passion to give my heart, body, and soul to cooking for other people.

It started out as something that I never really thought would be my main focus in life but it has become a joy to share my passion for cooking to others.

If you are reading this and you have come this far, I thank you and I hope you keep on reading the next ones. Hope that you get to try my food soon!

Francis Fabie is an undergraduate of De La Salle University - Manila taking up AB Organizational Communication. He takes after his mom, Lorraine Timbol, former Editor-in-Chief for Appetite Magazine here in the Philippines. He puts his heart, body, and soul to put the heart, meat, and soul of his cooking. A passion he always has for the things he love to do.

Heart, Meat, & Soul Foods is a special order / semi-catering service that was started on May 1, 2011 by Francis Fabie with a goal to serve people just that, hearty, meaty, and soulful dishes that are just simple and flavorful.

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